Slice of Life: Election Day

Thank you to Two Writing Teachers for creating an amazing community of writers and a safe, welcoming space to write and share.

It’s Election Day in Ohio. My third election serving as a roster judge.

I woke up before my 4:00am alarm, dreaming strange dreams about my first apartment. I have to be on site at 5:30am. My tea is brewing as I write.

I will spend the day greeting folks from my neighborhood/area — the ones who didn’t vote early and who will bother to come and voice their preference for presidential candidate (even though that’s already been settled) and for judges and other offices on the ballot.

Pretty much all day, I will be sitting in a folding chair in a chilly church gymnasium.

Other poll workers complain about the long day, but I have been a teacher. I have gotten up extra early to finish plans or read the last few essays, worked a day where pretty much all day I was on my feet moving from student to student, group to group, teaching, guiding, putting out behavioral fires. As a poll worker, I get a one-hour lunch. As a teacher, I often ate my lunch while I was doing recess duty. Then, with a 1/2 hour break after the students left, I started another half day of work and did parent conferences until 8:00pm or later. And got up in the morning and did it, more or less, all over again, day after day, week after week, year after year. Yes, this will be a long day, but it will be one day, and the work will not be at all hard.

When we close the polls, I will be achey and exhausted, but glad that I was able to help Democracy march forward in my small way.

When I retired, I was achey and exhausted, but glad I was able to help Public Education march forward in my small way.

5 thoughts on “Slice of Life: Election Day”

  1. Thanks for showing up and being there, and helping Democracy!

    Our Election Day is today too, I’ve voted already also. My son has been showing up in different parts of the city, getting trained and canvassing, I’m proud that he’s taking a part. I canvassed with my dad growing up, it was an eye-opening experience.


  2. What an wonderful and important way to contribute to our democratic processes. I wonder what we can do about our system so states/people get their say before the candidates have been decided. Glad that people still show up to do their duty!


  3. Thank you, thank you for your commitment to democracy! I loved the partner lines that ended your Slice: “When we close the polls, I will be achey and exhausted, but glad that I was able to help Democracy march forward in my small way.” and the connection to your work in schools.

    Now, off to work for justice, democracy’s important partner!


  4. Mary Lee, isn’t that the truth! We can do hard things because we’ve been career-long teachers. I hope your day went well! I love your attitude, and thank you for serving your country in this sometimes thankless job. 


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