Slice of Life: Beginnings

Thank you to Two Writing Teachers for creating an amazing community of writers and a safe, welcoming space to write and share.

Do weeks start for you on Sunday or on Monday? Mondays start my weeks, so this New Year was a new day, a new week, a new month, and a new year, all rolled into one.

I’m keeping all the usual goals and routines (exercise, DuoLingo, stitching, doodling, writing), but I’m adding a commitment to more diverse blogging, and I’m launching a year-long reading of Jane Hirschfield. I enjoyed savoring Pádraig Ó Tuama’s book POETRY UNBOUND one poem a day, so I bought Hirschfield’s new collection THE ASKING with the intention of lingering with it the same way. In conversations with my brother, and following links he sent to interviews with Hirschfield, I learned about her books of essays, NINE GATES: ENTERING THE MIND OF POETRY and TEN WINDOWS: HOW GREAT POEMS TRANSFORM THE WORLD. An essay a week seems doable, doesn’t it? I thought so.

I’m curious to see if and how this immersion will impact my own writing. Time will tell.

7 thoughts on “Slice of Life: Beginnings”

  1. I was surprised to see this pop up in my email. I didn’t think you were a slicer. A new year, new commitments. I’m happy to see you here. Your surprise inspires me.


  2. How nice to see you here! I also wrote about reading in my slice today. I’m looking forward to hearing how your choices impact you, and also looking forward to your more diverse blogging. Sounds like a win for you and your readers!


  3. Golden line: “I’m keeping all the usual goals and routines (exercise, DuoLingo, stitching, doodling, writing), but I’m adding a commitment to more diverse blogging, and I’m launching a year-long reading of Jane Hirschfield.” Impressive! Inspiring. Thanks for sharing the Hirschfield titles. And for the phrase and concept of “diverse blogging.” I’d love to read a whole blog post on that and what it means to you.


  4. I love this idea of a long reading. What a wonderful thing to do. Thanks for sharing and also the title for your reading. I also have enjoy Poetry Unbound this past year. I am excited to look into Jane Hirschfield. I also like the thoughts on “diverse blogging. Tell us more?


  5. What fun to see you here, perhaps a step toward more diverse blogging! It will be fun to see where else your blogging may take you. Lingering with poetry seems like a lovely intention. I’m planning for more poetry, so maybe I should choose a book to linger with and savor.


  6. Sounds like a rewarding project! We were at a new library with the kids yesterday and I saw THE ASKING in the new books and browsed a bit. I saw several engaging poems, including this one.

    I think that my parallel program is to further develop my piano skills – and to use whatever skills I have to make music!

    I can’t believe that it’s already Thursday! I’m looking forward to talking with you before the end of the week – what might work well for you?



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