Poetry Friday: You

Molly gave the Inklings our June challenge — a quote from a talk by Pádraig Ó Tuama. Molly reported that essentially he said, “Write something narrative and by narrative I mean something that has story and observation to it…write about the first time you saw somebody who’s become a you to you…a you that you love to say…detail what else could be seen”… and let those other things convey what it all meant to you.

After listing all the YOUs in my life and writing about a bajillion drafts, I decided that my YOU for this poem would be the process of figuring out what to write about. My YOU is inspiration itself.

I’m scheduling this post on Tuesday because on Wednesday I leave for a week spent with family. I won’t be able to comment until it’s almost time for another Poetry Friday, but I still can’t wait to see what the other Inklings do with this challenge.

Linda @A Word Edgewise
Catherine @Reading to the Core
Molly @Nix the Comfort Zone
Margaret @Reflections on the Teche
Heidi @my juicy little universe

Tracey has this week’s Poetry Friday roundup at Tangles & Tales.

Image via Unsplash.

7 thoughts on “Poetry Friday: You”

  1. This is a beautiful poem, Mary Lee. I think the nonet is the perfect form for it – how inspiration grows from a tiny spark of an idea. “flickering like a firefly at the edge of sight” – wow. Enjoy your time away!


  2. Mary Lee, I am still in slow mode but wish you a belated happy vacation. I do like the imagery in your poem. I think inspiration is a unique topic for your poem, especially since it is hiding in pink folds of brain.


  3. Mary Lee, this is a nimble companion poem for an inspiration workshop, group poetry prompt & other moments when we are puzzled waiting for the words to wiggle their way down from the cranium. Or, is it up from the fingertips. I absolutely luv this poem & am going to copy it out. This. Is. How. It. Is.



  4. Mary Lee, did you know that our host was writing about inspiration this week? Wow, I think not, since you posted early. Your nonet is delightful and so are the similes you chose. Enjoy your time with family!


  5. Mary Lee, have a great week with your family! That’s great time spent, to be sure. I appreciate your sweet nonet. I love the metaphors of elusive inspiration (like a firefly or a hidden word) and then the bright moon face startling you awake. What a great word “startle” is here, regarding inspiration. Sometimes it comes in waves, but often it hides.


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